San Antonio Artist, Raisa Melendez awed judges with her version of Salvador Dalis study of "Swans Reflecting Elephants." Its such a dynamic piece and we were definately looking for creativity and something different. Raisa is a local artist that does portrait art and murals. She helps give to our community by hosting many markets that allow other local San Antonio artists to promote and sell their artworks and creative merchandise. San Antonio's art scene is definately growing and beginning to make a difference in the city's culture and in the lives of local artists and artists like Raisa are helping to make all that possible. Its small steps like these that help an art community grow. YAE's Grant is designed to help artists succeed and be encouraged to create. Thank you to artists like Raisa who continue to do great things for the city of San Antonio.

You can follow Raisa and her art journey on Instagram: @dura_pura_vida and Facebook: Raisa Anais Melendez Tardi. She has many murals around town so make sure to check them out and tag and support!